duminică, 26 decembrie 2010

Babilonul modern

What are the similarities and differences between pagan and Christian practices today?

Babylon ... described in the last book of the Bible that a woman dressed in purple and scarlet ... they sat on top of writing "Babylon the great, mother of prostitutes and abominations of the earth."

This Babylon, founded by Nimrod holds many symbols present in Christianity and evidence ... ...

After the monstrous flood that destroyed the ancient world, Babylon was the beginning of Satan's earthly organization, formed to press the human race unfairly. The famous Nimrod was the human representative of Satan, the one he used to build the city of Babylon in the land of Shinar. Notes Holy Scriptures say: "He started over Lord Babel (or Babylon), Erech, Acad

and Calne, in the land of Shinar. "- 1Moise 10:10. Nimrod the first king of Babylon lawless city, was a giant and a skilled hunter of wild beasts, a great warrior and plunderer of the country, which rose above the people's eyes Jehovah.

During the time Nebuchadnezzar succeeded as ruler of Babylon, Nimrod. Nebuchadnezzar was also an adherent of the religion than the devil. Words Ezechil Prophet (21 verse 21) prove it, he writes about Nebuchadnezzar;. For the king of Babylon stands at a crossroads, at the end of the two roads, to give to Bobby, he shakes the arrows, ask terafimii, and investigates the liver. " The prophet Daniel in chapter 3:1 draw atenţiunea the same thing when he says: "King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide. The high plain of Dura in the province of Babylon." He was a gentlemen evil tyrant and an imbecile. (Daniel 4:27) Profelul Jeremiah (51:34) speaks of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, about a dragon, "set me swallowed as a" monster. "This way is the Lord through his prophets, the king of Babylon. Known as representative of the devil, and gives one of the Devil appointments, namely "Wyvern". The same prophet called the king of Babylon and "Shishak king." - Jeremiah 25:26.

When Rome conquered the world, paganism which had spread from Babylon and in difetrite dev nations merged into the religious system of Rome pagane.Aceasta included the idea of a Supreme Pontiff (Pontifex Maximus) Roman emperors used the title means bridge builder. Priest-kings as emperors were considered to be in the old pagan Rome-makers bridges each claiming to be the bridge between this life and the afterworld. This mystery - mitraism was widespread in Rome and then became the only faith in the empire. Pater Patrum was appointed chief priest (Father Fathers), which is now Pope.

Father mitraismului be based in Rome, Pope father Catholicism, too.

1.Odajdiile expensive and very ornate which popes were wearing clothes made by pagan.

2.tiara, papal crown, is identical in form to that worn by the 'gods or angels''show on pagan Assyrian tablets. is similar to the fish god Dagon head, turban with his mouth slightly open fish

3.papa also bears the god Dagon, stirring pescarului.Iar ring paganism and Christianity, the similarities have made this mix to be less obvious .. because Peter was a fisherman, the god over the ring with the title of Pontifex Maximus was associated with it. But Peter never did wear a ring .. it was given, nor worship .. or kissed the ring.

Acts 3:6 Then Peter said "Silver and gold I have, but I have, I give you the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!"

4. pallium site that the pope wearing it on his shoulders, which is originally pagan garment worn by clergy in Greece and Rome before the Christian era.

in modern times, white woolen pallium is made of .. archbishop as a symbol of the fact that he is part of fullness function papal pope's pallium send that before the night is being sent over the alleged tomb of Peter ... practice, a copy of pagan ritual practiced by the Greeks!
5. Babylon is now over all the earth and then it was only in the plains of Mesopotamia and that should give us something to think about

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